Category Archives: Uncategorized

Where Couples Are Most Likely to Argue…

According to a new survey, the place couples are most likely to argue is the CAR. And here are the four situations when you're most LIKELY to fight in the car. 1. Before or after you go shopping.MORE

Left-Handed People Are Better Drivers

When we saw this study, we figured it was an April Fools' prank . . . anything that says being left-handed is good HAS to be a prank, right? But . . . a new study found that left-handed peopl…MORE

Top 4 Things Women Wish Their Hubby Would Do

Congratulations to men across the US. Your laziness has lowered your wife's expectations SO MUCH, just doing a MINOR chore makes you look like a hero. According to a new survey, the number on…MORE

8 Minor Things That Drive Us All Nuts

Not everything that makes you mad has to be a huge, universal problem . . . like idiot politicians or Wall Street corruption. It's also totally normal to get outraged when it takes 15 seconds fo.MORE

What Couples Fight About Most…

When you've been together a while, you can fight over pretty much ANYTHING. And sometimes the SMALLEST things lead to the biggest blow-ups. So a new survey asked couples to name the top TRIVIA…MORE

Signs Your Man is High Maintenance

According to a new survey, one in FIVE women think their boyfriend or husband is HIGH MAINTENANCE. Is your man one of them? Here are the top 10 signs. 1. He throws a tantrum if he doesn't get hi.MORE
