Category Archives: Uncategorized

Orlando: How can I help?

Orlando: How can I help?

(OrlandoSentinal) Overwhelmed by people wanting to donate blood to victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting, OneBlood asked donors to stop coming Sunday and schedule appointments over the next few days.MORE

This Girl’s Definitely Got Talent

This Girl’s Definitely Got Talent

Watch this 13-year-old opera singer that performed on America’s Got Talent and see if your jaw hits the floor as quickly as ours did! MORE

Christina Sings Madonna, Whitney, Rihanna

Christina Sings Madonna, Whitney, Rihanna

While on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Christina and Ellen played Heads Up. Christina had to sing songs from other female artists and get Ellen to guess which artists. This is awesome!MORE

Celebrating the life of Prince

Celebrating the life of Prince

Majic is celebrating the life of Prince with Purple Friday. We’ll be giving away purple donuts from Baker’s Dozen starting at 7am at the cornerMORE

Adele Eyeliner Tutorial

Adele Eyeliner Tutorial

Adele’s makeup artist finally released a how-to video so you can get her famous winged liner look. Hallelujah!MORE
