I can’t believe that Kansas is worse at this than any other state. Can we appeal?!?!… MORE
I can’t believe that Kansas is worse at this than any other state. Can we appeal?!?!… MORE
James Corden welcomed Alanis Morissette to perform some updated lyrics to her 1995 hit “Ironic.”… MORE
CNN is getting ready to run a special on the 80’s. Check out this list of 80 great moments from the 80’s. HERE… MORE
As adults we spend mega bucks trying to get that perfect head of hair and this little cutie was born with it. #Jealous… MORE
You see them every day on your drive to work, on your way home, or out running errands. They are the “normal” looking people that run too. The tired looking older gentlemen in tall socks and shorty short shorts getting his miles in. The disheveled hair headband wearing Mom working off that baby weight with…… MORE
How do you afford to get out of the house when the babysitter’s making more than you? I had no idea this is the average hourly wage!… MORE
How would you deal with it if your child got suspended? What if that suspension was for fighting with their own sibling?… MORE
Lady GaGa got another standing O last night at the 88th Oscars after performing her song ‘Till it Happens to You’. Surrounded on stage by survivors she attempted to raise awareness about sexual assault. Today she’s being praised and called a hypocrite by main stream media. Those claiming hypocrisy say that just a few years…… MORE
Here are four annoying things you might be doing with your phone…. … MORE
Check out the actor that will play Patrick Swayze’s role of Johnny in the Dirty Dancing TV remake…… MORE