Study Says Stop Drinking Coffee in the A.M.


We all love to get our mornings going by drinking a delicious cup of coffee. But could you imagine if you were told that drinking coffee in the A.M. is bad for you? Experts say that, but it isn’t as bad as you think.

Researchers are now saying that you should wait an hour to grab that first cup of coffee. Why you ask? Well, you should wait an hour because within the first hour of being awake our body is producing cortisol, and if you drink coffee while the body is producing cortisol, the body will begin to produce less and throw off your body’s natural rhythm. That will make you want more coffee during the day, and that can lead to other health problems.

I know it can be hard, but just wait to get that cup of coffee this morning till you are up for at least an hour. Your body will thank you.
