Happy National Left-Handers Day

Today is National Left-Handers Day. I am one of those people who actually write with my right hand, but swing a bat and golf club and shoot a puck left handed. Too bad I can celebrate that because I am not that good at all!


Here are some fun facts for you “Southpaws”

–15% of the population is left-handed

–Out of the last six presidents, four of them were left-handed: Obama, Clinton, Bush Sr., and Reagan.

–Lefties are thought to be more creative(I have not found any proof of this, but since I don’t write left-handed, I am going to go with a no on this)

–And the one I found most interesting, an international survey says that lefties drink more than righties. Once again, I can not prove this, but if anyone is willing to give it a try, I would love to see it.


Now there are things that left-handed people have to deal with. One of those is writing in a notebook. Have you ever seen one with the rings on the right side? Another is having to sit next to someone who is right handed and trying to eat at the same time. It is not fun at all. And the worst has to be video game controllers that are made for right-handed people. .

If you are left-handed, then celebrate today by taking this quote which was made by a random person: “God made the population 85% right handed. Then he saved the best and last humans and made them left-handed”!
