Honestly? It’s Honesty Day.

National Honesty Day- pic by Pixabay


How often do you lie? April 30th is National Honesty Day. You should go all day without telling a single lie.

A new survey shows many of us should have NO problem doing it! In the survey over a quarter of people claim they NEVER lie.

27% said they don’t lie at all. 18% of people said they tell one lie a year at MOST.  And 14% said they only lie once every couple months. 

Some people said they lie a couple times a month while others claim to lie multiple times a week. 6% said about once a day and the remaining people say they lie multiple times a day.

Some claim they never lie, or hardly ever do.  Which is funny, because most of those people probably lied in the SURVEY.

Most people in the survey say they only lie to not hurt anyone’s feelings. 47% say lying for ANY reason is wrong.

The most common lies people tell are little white lies and lying by omission. Some even admit to lying to themselves to make them feel better about something!







