Celebration Of Love Week…

Celebration Of Love Week


February 11-17th is Celebration Of Love Week. A professor at Bowling Green State University studied romantic behavior in adults between the ages of 18 and 79. Below are the top 10 most romantic behaviors:

  1. The kiss
  2. Flowers (giving and receiving)
  3. Dinner (out; making dinner for/with me; candlelight, wine, music, no kids)
  4. Talking
  5. Holding hands
  6. The Hug (in bed after the alarm goes off; unexpected)
  7. Sharing outdoor leisure activities (picnics, beach, ice skating, moonlight swim or drive, fishing, walk in the park)
  8. Gifts (expensive; diamonds; jewelry; candy; unexpected or surprise gifts)
  9. Walking (in the evening; at night; in the rain; in the moonlight)
  10. Touching (hand on knee; pat on shoulder or hand; slight caress; petting; caressing; head in lap or sitting on lap; playing with hair)

Also, nearly 70% of men and women said they wish they received more compliments from their partner. Do something special for the one you love and celebrate your love!
