April is National Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Month, a time when child wellness and child welfare organizations across the U.S. elevate the importance of creating systems and programs that put children and families first. The theme of this year’s awareness and impact campaign is “Building A Hopeful Future, Together.” Hopeful futures for children and families takes a community effort. Will you join us?
Throughout CAP Month, Prevent Child Abuse America and KCSL are spreading the message that building a hopeful future requires everyone’s help. We all have a responsibility to ensure children have positive experiences, and help families have the resources they need, when they need them. Prevention is hard work, but it is also heart work.
To report a concern:
- Call 911 if a child is in immediate danger.
- Call Kansas Protection Report Center 1-800-922-5330.
For questions about child abuse prevention:
- Call 1-800-CHILDREN or visit 1800childrenks.org.
- Friday, April 5 is Wear Blue Day. Share photos on social media and use the hashtags #WearBlueDay2024, #CAPMonthKS and #BuildingHopefulFutures. Tag KCSL on Facebook and Instagram so we can share your efforts with our statewide audience!
- Wednesday, April 24 is Digital Advocacy Day. Prevent Child Abuse America is hosting Digital Advocacy Day in support of crucial policies like the Child Tax Credit and Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). Learn more at preventchildabuse.org/what-we-do/ public-policy/.
- ALL MONTH KCSL is offering extended trainings! For CAP Month, our training team is offering a training a day. View all offerings and register on our website, kcsl.org/what-we-do/ education/training/.