Former Washburn Rural HS Student Wins Crystal Apple Award

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Crystal Apple Cover Photo

This month’s Crystal Apple Award winner is an amazing tale of how devotion and hard work pay off for both the teacher and her students.

Say hello to Janae Kuenzi! She teaches math at Washburn Rural High School, and according to Kelcie Schneider, a former student, she always has a smile on her face and is upbeat no matter what. While she was riding to Kansas City with her parents Kelcie heard our promo about the Crystal Apple Award, thought about Janae Kuenzi, and said “Why not…”

So, she composed an email, and here’s a portion of some of the pretty cool things she had to say about Miss Kuenzi:

She tries to fit everyone’s learning ways to help them the most. She’s really good at telling when students are struggling and will silently help them to not embarrass them when their too scared to speak up. Passing by her classroom and her being so excited to her previous students brings a smile to my face. She is super welcoming and friendly and her being a younger teacher helps her relate to her students more. 

We were also surprised to learn that Janae attended Washburn Rural High School and is a 2020 graduate. She progressed through the educational system and is now making a commitment to her community by teaching students in the same classroom she once attended.

To celebrate Janae’s commitment to her students and community we are going to give her the following:

  • A Crystal Apple Award with her name on it
  • A Prize Package from Prairie Band Casino and Resort
  • Also, Washburn Rural High School is in the running for a $1,000 donation which will be given away in January 2024.

Thank you Kelcie for letting us know about Miss Kuenzi and sharing her with Topeka and the surrounding area.
