Overbrook Teacher With Special Needs Student Wins Crystal Apple Award

Credit: Shawn Knight

Not all heroes wear capes!

It would be appropriate to recognize a terrific teacher who goes above and beyond for her pupils, especially one with special needs, as we finish up our Crystal Apple Award for the summer break.

The second grade teacher at the Overbrook Attendance Center in Overbrook, Kansas, is named Katie Sternberger.

According to Casey Barezinsky’s email, Katie is one of the many unsung heroes who we love to hear about when choosing a winner for the Crystal Apple because she is amazing, compassionate, energizing, loving, and so much more with her students. However, Casey’s child, who was born with Spina Bifida, is one student to whom Katie pays very special attention.

In her interactions with her son, Casey had the following to say about Katie:

My son was born with Spina Bifida, he struggles with using the bathroom. At his age kids are starting to notice and make comments. Miss Sternberger has made such a big impact on how my son is treated. She has a zero tolerance for inappropriate things that kids say to each other. She is great at communicating with parents. She doesn’t just call when a kid has done something bad, she will call out of the blue just to tell you how great your kid is doing. The way that she can make my son’s face light up just by saying “I am so proud of you.” is truly heartwarming.

Because of Katie’s unselfishness with her students we are going to award her with the following:

  • Crystal Apple with her name engraved on it
  • A prize package from Prairie Band Casino
  • Also, Overbrook Attendance Academy is in the running for a $1,000 donation which will be given away in January 2024.
