It has been an absolute pleasure traveling all over Topeka and surrounding areas and meeting educators who make an impact in their student’s lives with the Crystal Apple Award.
Reading their nomination letters and having the opportunity to meet them personally and get more in site into their love for teaching make presenting them with the Crystal Apple Award and our next recipient is known for being a consistent, positive influence on the children he encounters.
Mr. Kevin Brown is the Head Wrestling Coach at Wamego High School and according to Heidi Hamic’s nomination letter he is the type of teacher/coach to encourage his kids, but also he is really known for being humble.
Here’s what she had to say about Coach Brown:
My son is one of his wrestlers and is in his class. My son is a senior this year and I don’t know that he would be ready for graduation without the encouragement and support from Coach Brown. He consistently lifts the kids up and encourages them to push harder to succeed. He is quietly helping make the students in Wamego High School better people and helping them prepare for life after high school. He is a true asset to Wamego and I am so thankful for his positive influence on my son. He’s one of the greatest people I know.
Because of Mr. Brown’s dedication to his students, he’s going to receive the following
- A Crystal Apple Award with his name on it.
- A Prairie Band Casino and Resort prize package
- Wamego High School is now in the running for the $1,000 donation that is up for grabs. In January 2024, it will be given out.