Crystal Apple Award Goes To A Gifted Administrator Who Loves Her Students

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We are rolling along in the month of February as teachers from Topeka and surrounding areas are being recognized for their accomplishments in the classroom with our Crystal Apple Award and this month’s teacher is loved by her students and her fellow coworkers. 

Michele Mettner is a Gifted Facilitator at Seaman High School, and her hands-on training with students like Max Simpson who nominated her is no wonder why she was selected for this month’s honor. 

Here’s what Max had to say about Michele Mettner: 

She is an incredible teacher and got me through some extremely tough times. She deserves the whole world and I am so proud of her, she has changed her students’ lives for the better!! 

The following will be given to Michele in appreciation of her commitment to Seaman High School and her students:

The following will be given to Michele in appreciation of her commitment to Seaman High School and her students:

  • She received a Crystal Apple Award with her name on it.
  • A Prairie Band Casino and Resort Prize Package
  • Last but not least, Seaman High School is competing for a $1,000 donation that will be awarded in January 2024.

We would love to hear about any teachers, office administrators, principals, or coaches you know who deserves the Crystal Apple Award.
