We have a winner!
After much consideration of going through the entries of all winners of the Crystal Apple Award recipients for 2022 a decision was made as to which school was going to receive the BIG $1,000 donation for their school and this school is known for having school spirit!
The 2022 Crystal Apple Award School of the Year goes to the ‘Mighty Tigers’ of Jefferson West Elementary School where the Principal is Wes Sturgeon.

Principal Sturgeon was the recipient of the Crystal Apple Award in May and it was through the nomination letter sent in from his wife Deborah that earned him that top honor.
This is what she had to say about her husband Principal Sturgeon:
I would like to nominate a great principal from Jeff West Elementary School-Wes Sturgeon. He has been a principal here since 2011 and a teacher for several years in the district prior to being promoted to principal. His staff, parents, administrators & students admire his hard work and consideration for all within the school community. He is a silent hero, who is both modest and hardworking.
Wes is from Meriden and attended the school in which he works. He is the fourth generation to attend the same school. This place is close to his heart and he is very loyal to his district. In this small district you will find Wes working as principal, filling in for absent teachers, secretaries and anywhere that is needed. You will find him at every after-school event at his school. You will see him working at sporting events at both the middle school & high school too. He works countless hours and never complains. I’m not sure where he gets the energy, but he is the hardest working man I know….
Also, the deciding factor in why Jefferson West Elementary was the recipient was because of their school spirit as Principal Sturgeon gathers his kids and administration in the gym for their school spirit chant and with as much school spirit as those kids had you would need ear plugs.
Also, to help celebrate this occasion was our sponsor of the Crystal Apple Award Prairie Band Casino where John Tuckwin the Director of Casino Marketing was on hand to make the presentation of the $1,000 check to Jefferson West Elementary.