3rd Grade Teacher at Randolph Elementary Wins Crystal Apple Award

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It’s a New Year, and Majic 107.7 is once again recognizing teachers who has made an impact with their students with the Crystal Apple Award.

We are very thankful for the numerous entries that came in from around Topeka and surrounding areas for our 2022 winners, but now we are starting all over with our first winner to kick off the New Year as January’s Crystal Apple Award recipient.

Chelsey Davies is a 3rd grade teacher from Randolph Elementary School and from Jennifer Terry’s nomination letter she one of the many educators who definitely fit the description of the list of recipients of the Crystal Apple Award from winners past on Majic 107.7

Here is what Jennifer had to say about Chelsey:

Chelsey Davis is one of those teachers who just connects with the students, parents, and staff at Randolph Elementary. My daughter, Brenna is in her 3rd grade class and loves to come school on a daily basis. She challenges my daughter for higher level thinking and this motivates my daughter. Mrs. Davies has one of those personalities that just brings the best out in people. My daughter is fairly shy and reserved and has brought out a pretty fun side of her personality. As a parent, I could not ask for more than for my daughter to love school and grow as a person. I have no doubt that Mrs. Davies plays a huge part in this growth.

For Chelsey’s dedication to Randolph Elementary and her students she will receive the following:

  • A Crystal Apple Award with her name on it
  • A Prize Package from Prairie Band Casino and Resort
  • Finally, Randolph Elementary is in the running for a $1,000 donation which will be given away in January 2024.

If you know a teacher, office administrator, Principal, or Coach that deserves the Crystal Apple Award for the month of February we would love to hear about them!
