Teacher With 45+ Years of Service Wins Crystal Apple Award

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The 2022–2023 school year is off to a terrific start, and Majic 107.7 is pleased to name the recipient of the monthly Crystal Apple Award—a teacher who truly is a “Saint” to her students.

Let me introduce you to Mrs. Mary Alford, a teacher at St. Matthews Catholic School here in Topeka. The embodiment of everything educational, Mary has been a teacher for more than 45 years.

Crystal Apple Award September '22
Photo Cred: Rachel Punches

With a touching nomination letter, Janice Warner wished to acknowledge Mrs. Alford in appreciation for her efforts to teaching. After reading about Mrs. Alford’s commitment to her students, it was clear that she should be given this honor.

Here is her touching nomination letter:

I would like to nominate Mrs. Mary Alford of St. Matthews Catholic School in Topeka Kansas for the KMAJ Crystal Apple Award. Mary is the epitome of all things educational. She has been teaching for 45+ years. She is still enthusiastic and ready to welcome each new year and the adventures it holds. Mary is always prepared with new and fresh lesson plans. She does not reuse or neglect planning and making sure that her lessons are “just right” for her students. Mary is the first to volunteer for extra duty assignments. She is easy to communicate with and can offer a remedy to almost any issue or situation. Mary helps her fellow teachers and coworkers with genuine support. Mary continues to stay up to date with new methods and resources.  She has a wonderful sense of humor. After all these many years Mary still delights in the uniqueness and specialness of each and every student. Mary posses so many wonderful qualities that it’s hard to nail down one. Mary is a true teacher and educator in every sense of the word. She is also the “Butterfly Lady”, but that’s another story!!!!

The following will be presented to Mrs. Mary Alford as a thank you for teaching at St. Matthews Catholic School:

St. Matthews Catholic School is additionally competing for a $1,000 donation that will be given in January 2023.
