Walmart Offering Online Class To Better Educate Yourself On Virtual Meetings And Schools

With more and more people having to either work from home or students having virtual classes, the need to become familiar with digital technology is becoming great. Some though are not comfortable with the digital platforms, and that can be a challenge. Walmart has stepped to the plate to make that task easier for you.

They are offering what is called  a “Digital Literacy Series” that focuses on virtual meetings and classes. What they are doing is holding hour long classes online to help you better understand what a Zoom call is and how your child can learn online with Blackboard Learn.


Here are the brochures that was provided to us by Walmart:

Virtual Meetings & Schools Community Flyer_Academy Specific 9-15.pdf

Virtual Meetings & Schools Community Flyer_Academy Specific 9-17

Virtual Meetings & Schools Community Flyer_Academy Specific 10-3

Each one of the links provide a code that you can scan with your phone to register for the class.

They will be held online on September 15th from 2-3 PM, September 17th from 5-6 PM and October 3rd from 1-2 PM. Everyone is invited to take part.

