Majic 107.7 is honoring women across Northeast Kansas who have made a difference in their workplace, their community, their family. Each month Amber Lee selects one nominee and we honor on-air, online, and our social media channels. Each extraordinary woman will receive a prize pack including dinner on us, flowers and a complimentary massage from our sponsor, Backs By Popular Demand.
This month we recognize Sabrina Winston – Sabrina is the director of the Shawnee County Community Developmental Disability Organization. She has made a measurable impact in the community and her employees who look up to her. She is a passionate advocate for all those who have an intellectual disability. With everything going on in the world she has kept it together for her department and other provider agencies in Shawnee county.
Nominated by Kristina Atkinson who works with Sabrina and just raved about her positivity, and her ability to stay connected / communicate with staff and clients during this time of social distancing
Thank you to our sponsor Backs by Popular Demand. Each month we celebrate another extraordinary woman!
Use the form below to submit your entry of an extraordinary woman in your life. Give us their name and tell us what makes her extraordinary in your eyes.
Official Contest Rules – Amber Lee’s Extraordinary Women