Latest Winter Road Conditions

Topeka and the surrounding area experienced a blast of Winter early this year. That means the roads are going to be fun to drive on. Want to know how they are?

Winter weather can play havoc with travel, whether it is just around town or heading on a major interstate to see family and friends. There are two websites that you should for sure bookmark to make sure you can arrive safely when you have to head out in horrible weather.

The first website is This website gives up to date information on how good or bad all the major interstate and sate roads are in. That will also include any road closures. You can also see real time photos of how the roads look. You can access it by clicking here.

The other website is the City of Topeka road map. This map will allow you to see what streets have been plowed and treated when we have a winter storm. It will also let you look at when we areĀ on a “Snow and Road Treatment Status. You can access that map here.

Snow and ice are never fun to drive in. Make sure you have the latest info to make sure you get to where you need safe.
