Arrive Alive Tour Makes It Way To Topeka West

As a parent of a teenager driver, there is one thing that I am very proud of. My oldest daughter does NOT text and drive. It has become a huge problem for not only adult drivers, but teenage drivers, especially in high school. This Thursday, kids will get the chance to see first-hand what impaired driving can lead to.

UNITE is bringing the “Arrive Alive Tour” to Topeka West High School this Thursday from 9AM till 3 PM. According to a press release:

UNITE’s Arrive Alive Tour® program uses a high-tech simulator, impact video, and a number of other resources to educate the public about the dangers of texting while driving and intoxicated driving. The simulator allows participants to experience the potential consequences of distracted and impaired driving in a controlled environment.”

There are statistics that back up what this traveling tour is trying to promote. We see people everyday behind the wheel texting and worse, driving while drunk. This interactive road show will inform kids at a young age what consequences will be coming if they take this path.

Parents can do as much as they can, but sometimes it is better to hear it from a third party. UNITE does a great job and I encourage anyone who is able to go to this to take advantage. It could mean another life saved.

