Don’t you wish you could one day take a time machine back to when you were in your 20’s? I certainly wish I could do that, so then it won’t be so lame to do certain things.
Now you maybe asking yourself, “What did I do back when I was in my 20’s?” One thing I did was go to dance clubs and tear up the dance floor (not even close to being a good dancer at all). Could I see myself doing that now that I am almost halfway to 50? No way!!! Maybe at a wedding reception, but I would never go to a dance club or bar just to dance.
Another thing that was really cool back when you were in your 20’s was drinking all night long and then going into work the next morning. Sometimes, I would stay up all night, drink and pull an 8 hour shift on a weekend! There is no way I could ever do that now. I have a hard enough time trying to stay awake past 8 PM, and that is on the weekends.
One other thing that was really cool when I was in my 20’s and would be really sad now at my age is playing video games all day at home. Most women would see a man playing video games in his 20’s as nothing new and normal. But, try to get a date in your 40’s if you put on your profile that your favorite pastime is playing video games all day. Who is going to pay for the date?
I’m sure there are many other things, but I don’t want to think about them because it will make me sad. Now, where is that time machine…….