Age You Start To Really Enjoy Wine…

What Age You Start To Enjoy Wine – Pixabay


Some people in their early 20’s may pretend to like wine to seem more grown-up. However, a recent study says the average person does not REALLY enjoy wine until the age of 29! But millennials claim they started loving wine at age 23. The survey also found the average person knows only 4 types of wine off the top of their head; chardonnay, rose, merlot and blush. Research says drinking small doses of red wine are better for you than not drinking any at all. There are more than 8,000 grape varieties known to scientists, and more than 1,300 varieties are currently used to make wine around the world. Over half of the people surveyed admit to swirling their wine glass around before they drink it. However you enjoy your wine and at whatever age, cheers!


