Lemon Water Benefits…

Benefits of drinking lemon water. Pic by Pixabay


There is a correct way to drink lemon water to get the most benefits from it. Lemon water offers a number of health benefits including soothing a sore throat, help in digesting, weight loss and flushing out toxins. There are a couple of ways to get the most out of your lemon water:

Use the whole lemon including the peel! A study in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition says some polyphenols inĀ  lemon peels aid in weight loss with a high-fat diet. Lemons are also packed with vitamin C. One lemon has a high amount of vitamin C that helps produce collagen in your body, boost your immune system and regenerates your body’s antioxidant that is used in daily detoxification.

Warm water is the best way to drink lemon water. The warm temperature helps extract the polyphenols and vitamin C from the lemon and its peel. Plus it is easier to drink in large quantities with warm water.

First thing in the morning is the best time to consume lemon water. Your body is dehydrated when first waking up and lemon water is a great way to hydrate and get boosted for the day.

Consuming too much lemon water all day everyday can cause thinning of your teeth’s enamel as well as increase your body’s ability to absorb iron. So limit your intake if you have high levels of iron and also drink plenty of plain water to help limit acidity on your teeth. There are many benefits to drinking lemon water. When life gives you lemons, add them to your water!
