Pet Project | The Zachariah Fund
Posted by Delilah – March 14, 2018

You all know of my devastating loss recently when my son, Zachariah, left me in October. It is a daily struggle to be present when my heart is grieving so. One thing that keeps me moving forward is working on Zack’s behalf to better the lives of teens in ways that made his own heart sing.
The Zachariah Fund will help to do that. Zacky loved choir, and most especially, participating in the Madrigal Feast, a medieval theater dinner production held at our local high school each year. This event is a major undertaking with weeks of rehearsals and service projects. It is also a costly production and a consistent budgetary worry.
With help from many, we’ve established The Zachariah Fund to help perpetuate a robust choral program so that other high school students may continue to participate in the Madrigal Feast and in other choral experiences.
Please click on the image below and follow the link to find out more about South Kitsap High School’s choral programs and ways that you might donate.
From the bottom of this mama’s heart, I thank you.
