Top 50 Things That Make You An Adult…

A new survey asked 2,000 people to rank the top 50 things that officially make you an “adult.”

1. Paying utility bills
2. Doing your own washing / ironing
3. Budgeting
4. Moving out from the family home
5. Taking out contents insurance
6. Having a mortgage/buying a house
7. Your mum and dad don’t make your financial decisions for you any more
8. You pay into a pension
9. Keeping a clean house
10. Doing a weekly food shop
11. Having children
12. You book your own appointments
13. You have written a will
14. Preferring a night in to a night out
15. Being able to cook from scratch
16. Watching the news
17. You have a credit card
18. Going to the tip
19. You have a savings account
20. Always clearing things away at the end of the evening rather than stacking dishes in the sink
21. Knowing what terms like ‘ISA’ and ‘tracker’ mean
22. Owning a vacuum cleaner
23. You take a keen interest in the garden
24. You recycle
25. You can bleed a radiator
26. Having a joint bank account
27. You have a view on politics
28. You can change a light bulb
29. Keeping track of interest rates
30. Owning a lawn mower
31. No longer going home for a Sunday roast
32. Hosting dinner parties
33. You greet people with a handshake
34. Owning your own car on finance
35. Getting excited at the thought of buying a dishwasher
36. You decorate
37. You spend weekends ‘just pottering’
38. Going to bed before 11pm
39. Your mum starts asking you for advice
40. Not always purchasing the cheapest wine in the shop
41. You have at least tried to discuss the economy
42. You wear a coat and sensible shoes on nights out
43. Having a to do list
44. You can change a tyre
45. You can follow a recipe
46. You enjoy art galleries / museums
47. Having a calendar
48. You are a proud pet owner
49. You have a ‘best’ crockery set
50. You buy a Sunday paper

The survey also found we don’t feel like an adult until we’re 25.
