Alexa, Listen to Majic 107.7

If you have recently purchased or received an Echo Device, aka Alexa, here is how to listen to Majic 107.7:

Step 1. Say, “Alexa, enable the Magic one oh seven point seven skill.”

Once the ‘skill’ is enabled, you can now move on to step two.

Step 2. Say, “Alexa, play Magic one oh seven point seven.”

Once steps 1 and 2 are completed, you do not have to repeat step one each time you want to listen to Majic – you just say what’s listed above in step 2.

You can also enable a Skill by using the Alexa Smartphone App or on
Another fun thing to do with Alexa is to get her to say anything you want. To do so, simply say, “Alexa, Simon Says (say the line you want her to say).” And she repeats it!

Maybe you’re wondering, “What’s all this ‘enabling a skill’ talk? Just like you download and add an app to your smartphone, you need to enable a skill on your Echo Device.
