Each year, Earth Day—April 22—marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement which began in 1970. This year, we invite you to join the fight for a clean environment, sustainable and healthy living and other environmental issues. Majic will be at Natural Grocers Topeka location, 5836 SW 21st St, from 10-11am Saturday, April 22. The store will have tons of deals, activities and you’ll get a free reusable bag with purchase.
Activities include a DIY seed planting activity from 12-4pm. Plant it at the store, take it home to your garden to watch it grow.
From 10-11am stop by the Majic table, and sign up to win a pair of tickets to see New Kids on the Block, Paula Abdul & Boyz 2 Men (June 12th) at the Sprint Center.
Natural Grocers’ food contains no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives, MSG, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. Natural Grocers has been providing real food for real people since 1955. You will only find 100% certified organic produce at their store. This means you never have to worry about cross-contamination with conventional produce like the other grocery stores. They have also been bagless since 2009.