The men and women of the military, along with their families, have made many sacrifices for our freedom. V100 and Prairie Band Casino & Resort are saying thank you to vets, and those currently serving, with our monthly Salute to the Military.
We want you to tell us the story of someone you know in the armed forces. Every month we’ll select a story and feature it on the website and hand over $100 in Prairie Band Cash to them and their family. Tell us about the military hero you know here!
(Winners must be 21 or older to receive Prairie Cash) Upload a picture of your Military Hero and share their story with us.)

Chief Charly Arveca joined the Navy in 1971, and in 1979 was stationed in Norfolk, Va under the Commander In Chief of the Atlantic Fleet. Rated as a Nuclear Weapons Statistician, a position that held Top Secret status, one of Charly’s responsibilities included having an infamous ‘Red Phone’ on her desk. During this time, she was part of a team of four people that received a Letter of Appreciation for saving the Navy millions of dollars. We are unable to tell you exactly ‘how’ this occurred, due to it ACTUALLY BEING TOP SECRET!
Shortly after, in 1980, she accepted an assignment aboard the USS Canopus and became the first woman in the Navy to qualify as OOD (Officer On Deck) on a fast frigate. During her tour on the Canopus she again received a Letter of Appreciation, this time from the Marines for morale. She is also the only woman to join an Iron Man Competition.
Charly’s unique service to our country has earned her 12 ribbons and medals; including 2 National Defense medals and a Global War on Terrorism Medal. The Army has also recognized the Chief’s amazing multi-talents by awarding her the Army Appreciation Medal for her volunteer work in Iraq, where she put together a library.
Her family is no stranger to military service. During WWII, Charly’s father served in the Army, as did her younger brother in Iraq. One son was in the Air Force, and his twin is in the National Guard and also served a tour in Kuwait.
She joined the Navy Reserves in 1991, and the National Guard in 1996. She retired in 2005 as an E7 SKC, and is a member of both the VFW and The American Legion. She has five children, lives in Topeka. and volunteers frequently.

Charly was nominated as a Prairie Band Military hero by her daughter Classie, who says that her mom is not only a hero, but she is her hero. Thanks to Classie, whose help contributed greatly to this article.