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Yes runners come in all shapes & sizes!


You see them every day on your drive to work, on your way home, or out running errands.  They are the “normal” looking people that run too.  The tired looking older gentlemen in tall socks and shorty short shorts getting his miles in.  The disheveled hair headband wearing Mom working off that baby weight with a face as red as her sweatshirt.  Or that group of adorable grannies in their pastel velour track suits power walking up a storm.  Cheers to ALL of you for choosing to be active!  And cheers to Women’s Running Magazine for putting a real looking women on the cover for April.  A very pretty girl who even though is labeled as a Plus Size model looks a little more like someone I might actually know…not a runway model.  It’s refreshing to see a fitness publication acknowledge that all kinds of people exercise.  By using a cover model that isn’t a size zero, you have celebrated that.   By doing so you just gave us a little more motivation to keep on our fitness plan.


A person that’s trying her best to make it a priority…. if only even a few days per week to GO RUN.

-Majic 107.7 Staff Writer

Photo: Courtesy of Women’s Running Magazine
