Two-Thirds of Men & a Third of Women Watch Porn at Work

Take a quick glance around the office today, and check out three of your female coworkers.  The odds are . . . at least ONE of them is waiting for you to stop creepily looking over at her so she can fire up some sweet, sweet internet porn.



A new survey found one out of three women and two out of three men watch PORN at work.



23% of women say they watched porn at work in the past three months . . . another 9% did it at least a few times . . . and 4% did it at least 10 times.



26% of men say they watched porn at work in the past three months . . . another 24% did it at least a few times . . . and 14% did it at least 10 times.



Married men and women are more likely than single men and women to watch porn at work several times a month.



People making over $75,000-a-year are more likely to watch porn at work than people making less than $50,000-a-year . . . but that could be because people making bigger money have offices which are SO GOOD for porn. 
